| BrainBusters Busting Brains Since 2006! |
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リンク: brainbusters.info | 前のパーティ情報と写真 | ゲストブック | 登録 | 取り消し BrainBusters Presents: Sister Reality *** 駐車券の数は非常に限られています。駐車券は3人もしくはそれ以上の前売り券と一緒にのみ購入可能です。*** *** Limited number of parking passes only with purchase of 3 or more PRESALE tickets! *** TICKETS: WEB ADVANCE SOLD OUT! PLEASE BUY AT QUINTRIX IN SHIBUYA! On the day ticket only available for people without cars only! If you want a parking pass for your car, you MUST buy advance tickets at QUINTRIX! FLYER: Click for Full Size NOTICE: 駐車場のスペースは非常に限られているので、カーシェアにご協力していただきます。車で来る方はカーパスが必要となります。カーパスを得るには三人以上のチケットを購入する必要があります。カーパスを持っている方に限り購入後に個人のチケットを前売りまたは当日に追加購入できます。カーパスの枚数は限られているのでお早めにオーダーしてください。去年は売り切れました。カーパスは前売り限定であり、7月31日まで www.brainbusters.info でオーダーできます。余った際 Quintrix で8月1日から4日まで発売されます。カーパスがない車は駐車できません。会場までの道路が細いので、会場外に止めてある車はレッカー移動されます。会場外の最寄の駐車場は車で20分以上かかります。何卒ご理解、ご協力のほどよろしくお願い申し上げます。Protect the environment and be kind to nature!! ★★★ NOTICE: This is a LIMITED, PRESALE carpool-only event. All participants will be required to carpool as there are an extremely limited number of parking spaces. All cars will be required to have a parking pass to park at the venue! The road leading to the venue is very narrow, and any illegally parked cars may be ticketed or towed. The nearest parking area to the venue is at least a 20 minute drive away. At least 3 advance tickets must be purchased to acquire a (free) car parking pass. People with a car parking pass may purchase additional “on the day” tickets for extra passengers. The number of car passes available is extremely limited, so get yours before they are sold out! Parking passes are ONLY available online at www.brainbusters.info until July 31st. In the unlikely event any passes are left, they will be sold at Quintrix in Shibuya from August 1st to 4th. Thanks for your understanding; we greatly appreciate your cooperation. Protect the environment and be kind to nature!! DETAILS: Mt Jyoumine Camp Ground 城峯山キャンプ場 埼玉県秩父市吉田石間4713 www.ryusei.biz/facility/jyoumi01.html
TICKETS: WEB ADVANCE SOLD OUT! PLEASE BUY AT QUINTRIX IN SHIBUYA! On the day ticket only available for people without cars only! If you want a parking pass for your car, you MUST buy advance tickets at QUINTRIX! ARTISTS: International Guests: PARA HALU (Zaikadelic Rec/Parvati Rec) [Hungary] (Discovalley Rec/Deja Vu Rec) [Russia] (Shiva Space Japan/Parvati Rec) [Israel] (Tantrumm Rec/Mighty Quinn Rec) [Greece] (Kabrathor Rec/Devil's Mind Rec) [France] (Import Exploit Rec/Namaha Rec) [Macedonia] EITAN (Gaian Mind/BrainBusters) [USA] FATAL DISCORD (Phreex Networx/Buddha Family) [Tokyo] JUGGERNAUT (Dreamcatcher) [USA] KEIKI (Manic Dragon Rec/Extra Music) [Tokyo] KEN (Phreex Networx/Parvati Rec) [Tokyo] SPLIFFNIK (BrainBusters/Synchronize) [USA] Decoration: MIZUE KATAOKA (mizuekataoka.tripod.com) ACCESS:
NOTICE: Those under 20 are not admitted to the event. Photo ID required. No Exceptions. It is strictly prohibited to use any recording devices (tape recorders, cameras, video, etc...) No alcohol, hazardous materials, drugs or other materials prohibited by law is allowed into the venue. We will assume no responsibility for incidents, accident, theft, loss, tow-away, locker or clerk, lost or stolen or damaged item, ... In case the event is cancelled due to a natural disaster (ex: Earthquake, typhoon, volcanic eruption, etc) or acts of war, tickets will not be refunded. Parties involved in actions such as fights, acts of violence, interference of the event, or those causing trouble to other participants, and those who don't follow the staffs' instruction will be forced to leave. We reserve the right to refuse entrance. Do not park illegally, use appropriate parking place for cars, etc. Please be responsible, no attitude and respect the other people. Keep the streets clean, do not throw away the flyer. Guest with invitation tickets only. The information on this flyer might change, regularly check our website.