| BrainBusters Busting Brains Since 2006! |
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リンク: brainbusters.info | 前のパーティ情報と写真 | ゲストブック | 登録 | 取り消し GREEN ZONE 2011 Onkel Dunkel Debut Album & HOPE Charity Compilation Vol 1-5 Release Party DETAILS: J-Pop Cafe (Shibuya) 東京都渋谷区宇田川町31-2 渋谷ビーム7階 www.j-popcafe.com
AFTER PARTY: Entrance: 1500yen. Open @ 7:00, End @ ??? Location: Cave 246 - 東京都世田谷区池尻2-33-15 大塚ビルB1 (地球屋のビル) FLYER: Mouse-Over flyer for Reverse Side Mouse-Over flyer for Reverse Side DISCODELIC DOME LINEUP: TOM COSM (Fabula Rec/tomcosm.com) [New Zealand] TOMO HACHIGA aka ASIAN WIZARD (Solstice Music) [Tokyo] TAI SOULSEEK (BeatForce/ChemoTherapy) [Israel] RAVE CAVE LINEUP: ONKEL DUNKEL aka GRAPES OF WRATH (Parvati Rec) [Denmark] HAYATO aka TIDALUS (BrainBusters/Bloom) [Tokyo] SPLIFFNIK (BrainBusters/AuraQuake Rec) [USA] VJ: OVERHEADS (overheads.jp) [Tokyo] DECORATION: KANOYA PROJECT (fotologue.jp/kanoyaproject) [Tokyo] SOUND: MMU [Tokyo] www.j-popcafe.com 東京都渋谷区宇田川町31-2 渋谷ビーム7階 Approx 5min walk from Shibuya Station 渋谷駅より徒歩5分 NOTICE: Those under 20 are not admitted to the event. Photo ID required. No Exceptions. It is strictly prohibited to use any recording devices (tape recorders, cameras, video, etc...) No alcohol, hazardous materials, drugs or other materials prohibited by law is allowed into the venue. We will assume no responsibility for incidents, accident, theft, loss, tow-away, locker or clerk, lost or stolen or damaged item, ... In case the event is cancelled due to a natural disaster (ex: Earthquake, typhoon, volcanic eruption, etc) or acts of war, tickets will not be refunded. Parties involved in actions such as fights, acts of violence, interference of the event, or those causing trouble to other participants, and those who don't follow the staffs' instruction will be forced to leave. We reserve the right to refuse entrance. Do not park illegally, use appropriate parking place for cars, etc. Please be responsible, no attitude and respect the other people. Keep the streets clean, do not throw away the flyer. Guest with invitation tickets only. The information on this flyer might change, regularly check our website. リンク: brainbusters.info | 前のパーティ情報と写真 | ゲストブック | 登録 | 取り消し